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When I clicked 'Don't eat this food' in the food safety country...from nutritional supplements to infant meals
On the website of the Food Safety Administration, there is a "Don't eat such products."

Among the food products already in Korea, the recall and sales of the products have been suspended due to non-standard standards and standards. There are a variety of products, including nutritional supplements, eggs, and baby food, which attract people's attention.

Consumers can return the product to the place of 스포츠토토추천purchase, and the seller stops selling the product and returns it to the recall company.

Earlier, the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (FDA) announced on the 23rd that it stopped selling and recalling the products manufactured on May 17, 2016 among the targeted Cleaner's Lancheonmit products.

24 Oct 2018  |  Post by : petmalukimmy22


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