Talk About Women

Should we select Yoon Seok-min, another old question? Should I be a firefighter?
Attention is already focusing on how Kia Tigers pitcher Yoon Seok-min, 32, will perform in the 2019 season. He returned to the mound this season after undergoing shoulder surgery and long rehabilitation. It wasn't the ball of his prime. However, hope for a full-fledged recovery also came at the same time.

Yoon Suk-min returned home after two years on June 2. At first, he played in three games as a starter, but he was sluggish. He pitched 15 innings and scored 16 runs. When he had trouble with his bullpen, he turned himself into a firefighter again. He played 25 innings as a firefighter. Fireman ERA posted 5.04 and 11 saves.

The firemen also had ups and downs. Though he was not well, he showed his unique sense of sight and also showed his ability as a firefighter. In particular, he led Jeon to win the game in Gwangju, which had a ticket to the semifinals on October 12, when he came to the mound in the face of the 1st and 2nd bases. The match showed hope at the same time.

Yoon Seok-min still plays a role in next season's mound. I will be 33 years old next year. Now he's joining a club for senior citizens. It is highly utilized because both starting pitchers and fire fighters are possible. According to Yoon's use, the topography of the mound varies.

If he starts as a starting pitcher, it will 안전놀이터be easier for him to form a starting pitcher. Four people, including Yang Hyun-jong, two foreigners and Yoon Seok-min, can be secured. Young pitchers' competition for the starting lineup is getting fiercer. It is highly likely that Kim Yoon-dong will be selected as a fireman. If Yoon continues as a firefighter, the fear of bullpen can be eased.

5 Nov 2018  |  Post by : kissmarclovers8


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