Talk About Women

Herbalife Nutrition Foundation Awards Funds to 3 Thai Foundations under Casa Herbalife Program to Promote Good Nutrition for Children
Herbalife Nutrition (NYSE:HLF), a premier global nutrition company, led by Mr Suphot Rittipichaiwat (center), General Manager for Herbalife Nutrition in Thailand, handed over the fund contributions to three children’s foundations under the Casa Herbalife Program in Thailand: the Foundation for Children, Baan Nokkamin Foundation and Children’s Hospital Foundation. The fund grant will be used to provide vulnerable children with healthy meals and nutrition education.

Casa Herbalife Program is the flagship program of Herbalife Nutrition Foundation (HNF) which serves over 100,000 children in more than 50 countries. Herbalife’s members and employees volunteer their time and donate to programs. Today, the Casa Herbalife Program shows its ongoing support to these three foundations in Thailand with good nutrition and nutrition education.

For more information on Herbalife Nutrition in Thailand, please visit our Facebook page or call 02-660-1600.

26 Aug 2019  |  Post by : Theeratorn



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