Talk About Women

Herbalife Nutrition Renews Brand Ambassador Contract with Yo Yossavadee for 4th Straight Year
Herbalife Nutrition, a premier global nutrition company, recently renewed its Brand Ambassador contract with triathlon enthusiast Yossavadee Hassadeevichit (Yo) for the fourth consecutive year.
As a celebrated figure in the outdoor sports circuits, Yo’s aim in this partnership is to highlight the essential role that nutrition plays in achieving fitness goals. Through her healthy, active lifestyle and her positive outlook on life, she connects with people who value good nutrition and regular exercise to stay fit mentally, physically and emotionally.

“Since Yo joined us as a Brand Ambassador several years ago, she has demonstrated that sports is an essential part of health and wellbeing. Athletes and non-athletes alike look up to her as she continues to inspire many people to lead a healthy, active life,” said Mr Suphot Rittipichaiwat, General Manager, Herbalife Nutrition Thailand.
Yossavadee expressed gratitude to the company for the partnership, as well as the opportunity to continue to promote sports and health. She said, “I am delighted to be a part of Herbalife Nutrition because it gives me a platform to bring health awareness among Thais.
For more information on Herbalife Nutrition in Thailand, please visit our Facebook page or call 02-660-1600.

27 Jan 2020  |  Post by : Jik


Pooyingnaka Wellness

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